Terms & Conditions

  1. Places can only be allocated upon receipt of full payment. Confirmation of your booking will follow after receipt of your signed booking form and full payment. If additional days are booked, payment must be made at the time of booking.
  2. In the event of cancellation by the customer, a 50% refund will be available if 4­2­11 Activity Camp is notified in writing at least 2 weeks before the commencement of the camp. No refunds thereafter. If payment is by childcare vouchers or tax free childcare vouchers, no refund can be
    given but the amount will be credited to your camp account.
  3. If your child is unable to attend due to illness or for any other reason during the week of camp, no refund will be made and days cannot be taken in lieu.
  4. 4­2­11 Activity Camp reserve the right to refuse any child at any time, if in our opinion the child is incompatible with the general ‘well being’ of the camp. No refund will be made. If it becomes necessary to cancel camp due to factors beyond the managements control such as natural disasters, terrorism or other local emergencies, then 4­2­11 Activity Camp will make a 50% refund for the first 5 days of closure, and a full refund for any days thereafter. We will only refund days that the camp is closed.
  5. Whilst 4­2­11 Activity Camp takes great care to ensure the safety of your children, we cannot accept liability for any accident or loss of property that may occur. If customers wish to do so, they should make their own arrangements for personal injury insurance.
  6. Lost property: please ensure all articles are named. Any ‘lost’ items will be held for 4 weeks after the last day of camp and then given to a charity if not claimed. The respective parent will meet all costs of returning lost property.
  7. Equal opportunities and child protection: 4­2­11 Activity Camp welcome children from al religions and faiths. Each child attending camp is of equal value and is entitled to equal access of opportunities regardless of gender, race or religion. 4­2­11 Activity Camp will act quickly if we suspect any discrimination towards any child.
  8. The Activity Camp welcomes being registered with OFSTED. The aim is to work closely with OFSTED to provide high standards of Health and Safety. The camp will be inspected regularly and the staff will be health and police checked as required.
  9. As the parent/carer signed overleaf I give my consent for any picture taken of my child/children to be used for future camp promotion; unless written objections are received. The 4­2­11 Activity Camp also reserve the right to use child and parent quotes from parental questionnaires for the purpose of advertising.
  10. Due to staff qualifications the programme of sports activities may vary, but 4­2­11 Activity Camp aim to give each child an opportunity to participate in activities advertised.
  11. As the parent/carer signed overleaf I give my consent for my child/children as stated to take part in swimming, when programmed, at St. Edward’s Pool.
  12. As the parent/carer signed overleaf I give consent for 4­2­11 Activity Camp staff to apply sunscreen, provided by myself, to my child/children as and when required. I will provide written confirmation if I do not consent to the above.

* Family discount applies when 2 or more children book for the same week.